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Updates: Shifa Hospital, Lebanon, Iranian General Killed

Yitzhak ben Moshe, Editor/Reporter

An IDF airstrike has killed a top Iranian general. The IDF targeted a building near the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

The airstrike killed General Mohammad Reza Zahedi who was the commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in Lebanon and Syria.

Five other officials were killed in the attack, including General Mehdi Rahimi, according to Iranian media.

The Iranian Ambassador to Syria is quoted as saying, “The Zionist regime has acted against international laws, which will result in our decisive response.”

Editors note: It’s always attractive when a government that backs terrorist organizations who seek the destruction of Jewish and Western peoples claims Israel violated international law. When the United States, under then President Donald Trump, killed Qasem Soleimani, Iran also claimed a violation of international law. However, state-sponsored terrorism is acceptable to Iran, jihadists, and their sympathizers.

The IDF and ISA completed precise operational activity in the Shifa Hospital; An IDF helicopter struck a rigged compound from which terrorists observed IDF troops

IDF and ISA troops have completed precise operational activity in the area of the Shifa Hospital and exited the area of the hospital. The troops killed terrorists in close-quarters encounters, located numerous weapons and intelligence documents throughout the hospital, while preventing harm to civilians, patients, and medical teams.

In the central Gaza Strip, an IDF helicopter directed by IDF troops struck a booby-trapped Hamas military compound from which terrorists observed IDF troops and an additional Hamas military compound.

Over the past day, IAF aircraft killed terrorists who posed an immediate threat to IDF troops, including a sniper who posed a threat to the troops was struck and killed by an IDF helicopter.

In Khan Yunis, IDF Commando troops are operating in the area of Al-Amal. The troops killed terrorists in close-quarters encounters, conducted targeted raids on terrorist infrastructure in the area, and apprehended a number of terrorists. During searches, the troops located many weapons, including explosive devices.

Over the past day, the IAF in cooperation with IDF ground troops conducted a number of precise strikes in the area of Khan Yunis. The troops located a truck that drove toward them and a vehicle where a number of terrorists operated which posed a threat to the forces. In response, an IAF aircraft struck them.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets simultaneously struck approximately 10 Hezbollah terror targets, including a weapons storage facility, launch posts and terrorist infrastructure, in the area of Rachaya Al Foukhar in southern Lebanon.

IDF and ISA forces completed operations against terrorist operatives and infrastructure at the Shifa Hospital: approximately 500 suspects affiliated with terrorist organizations were apprehended and 200 terrorists were eliminated

Over the last two weeks, the IDF and the ISA conducted precise operational activity against terrorist operatives and infrastructure at Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip. The forces apprehended approximately 500 terrorists identified as affiliated with terrorist organizations, and eliminated hundreds of terrorists in the Strip. The apprehended suspects were transferred for further interrogation to the ISA and Unit 504 in the Intelligence Directorate.

The operation was carried out following precise intelligence from the ISA and the Intelligence Directorate regarding terrorist organizations’ activities in the area, including using Shifa as a command and control center and military headquarters.

The forces found large quantities of weapons, intelligence documents throughout the hospital, encountered terrorists in close-quarters battles and engaged in combat while avoiding harm to the medical staff and patients.

This morning (Monday), the mission was completed, and the forces withdrew from the area of the hospital.

The IDF and ISA will continue to operate against terrorist operatives and infrastructure across the Gaza Strip.

Over the last few hours, a number of launches were identified crossing from Lebanon toward the areas of Har Dov and Manara in northern Israel. The IDF struck the sources of fire.

A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military compound in the area of Hanine in southern Lebanon.

Throughout the day, the IDF struck a weapons storage facility and other terror targets in the areas of Jabal Hmaid and Ayta Ash Shab in southern Lebanon.