The Jerusalem Press

Jewish News, Torah, Talmud, More

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Purim: The Miracle of Jewish Survival

The Purim story begins about 900 years after the Exodus from Egypt. The Jews had been living in Israel continually, since they first entered with Joshua. For 410 years, King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem had been the focal point of Jewish spiritual and national life in Israel. The first major tragedy that the Jews of this era experienced was the division of the country into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judea.

The Guardian Slumbers: Responding to Senator Schumer

Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer, of the Orthodox Union: Response to Senator Schumer’s Speech

How Do You Show Your Jewish Pride?

Little things, simple things, can make a big difference. Your small act, like wearing a small Magen David, can be a source of comfort for you and inspiration for another.

How Has Antisemitism Affected You?

We took to our social media channels with a simple question: How has antisemitism affected you since October 7th?

Since the Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October 2023, antisemitism has become more visible and more radical, and we wanted to know what you have experienced. We weren’t prepared for some of the answers.

Hamas Leader Blames Israel for Failed Negoations

Ismail Hanieya, the Hamas leader who lives in Qatar, has claimed that Israel is responsible for the cease-fire and peace talks collapsing in Cario last week.

To Save a Life: An EPPD Officer Puts His Life on the Line.

“I just want the general public to understand that it is not all about force,” says El Paso Police Officer Chris Camp. “It’s about showing forms of compassion, understanding, and, most of all, never being afraid to be human.”

Protected Hate Speech? Where is the ADL?

When you are at work, and someone comments on your kippah in a hateful way or calls you a baby killer to your face, keep in mind that the ADL is supposed to help us all.

If you fear for your safety, a deep-seated fear for your safety, and the police refuse to act, we are supposed to be able to appeal to the ADL for help, aren’t we? Or have I been missing something all these years?

From Crisis to Victory: Audio, Video

To help Jews worldwide understand this event, specifically the Jewish community in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Lt Colonel Yaron Bouskila of the Israeli Defense Force spoke, providing a first-hand account of the events of 7 October 2023 to the Jewish Community. The Alevy Chabad Jewish Center hosted the event.

New Deal: Trading Hamas Terrorists for Hostages

The remaining hostages will be freed by special forces mission and intelligence gathering. Winning the trust of Palestinian civilians by addressing the humanitarian crisis caused by Hamas is the fastest way to do that. If they cannot trust us and cannot live with us in peace, then they can rest in peace.

OPINION: From the Editor

History has begun to repeat itself, as it often does—less than 100 years for history to repeat. Many are beginning to draw comparisons between today, 2024, and 1939.