The Jerusalem Press

Jewish News, Torah, Talmud, More


Money, Cops, Love: A Messy Triangle

Debt is never a good thing. When cops are in debt, it’s even worse for all concerned—citizens and police departments.

Police: No Transparency – One New Yorker is Ready to Bring It

Over the last few months, the Camps have been put through a living hell by the El Paso Police Department and their fear of transparency, admitting that the Crisis Intervention Team is not sufficiently trained to handle a suicidal suspect.

A Crook Keeps His Badge? Commits ANOTHER Crime

With the El Paso Police Department, it never ends. We could write a soap opera based on this Department that pits good cops against bad cops while supporting and protecting the latter.

From Our Readers

The following are from members of the community who contacted the Jerusalem Press after reading articles about the police response times.

Another Officer Speaks Out, Again

We all support Sgt. Camp, who is now suspended. Why is he suspended? It’s not over a video he released; it’s not even over them searching his desk. It’s over favoritism, and nothing more.

EPPD: A Merry Band of Thieves

The police are charged with our safety and preventing theft. If you or I walk into a Circle K or a Walmart and steal a drink off the shelf, Loss Prevention will stop us, detain us in the latter case, and either give us a citation or take us to jail.

It Get’s Worse, EPPD

“It’s on our doors, ‘To Protect and Serve,'” says one officer who stopped into our offices yesterday. “‘To Protect and Serve,’ how when most days we don’t have enough of us on the streets?”

EPPD By the Numbers

According to an analysis of data provided by the El Paso City Attorney, between 2013 and 2015, El Paso paid an average of $960K annually in lawsuit settlements, including for police misconduct.

Sexual Harassed Women Run EPPD?

As a woman, sexual harassment does exist in this department, yet asking the higher up’s and PIO’s they will tell you it does not. 

EPPD: Lawless Invasion

From officers who steal, sleep on the job, seemingly hate women, to not giving a damn about the law, I am disgusted. I feel sorry for the good officers who are overlooked for promotion, those good officers who do their damnest only to be hated by the public because of the actions of a few. I understand your pain and how hard this is for you to overcome. I’ve got your six for those officers who want to make a change and follow the law. For every crooked officer in the department, this became personal for me when some of your officers decided to harass my wife and my family. There is a song by NWA for you, so listen to it.